Monday, February 25, 2008

To the Adults of the World (Mortified)


Why can't there be a place for kids my age? No goddamn laws against us. No goddamn curfews to get in at a certain time. A place you can forget about all those shitty "supervisors" and they're called, you could do anything you wanted to as long as you had the equipment and money.

You could bring up friends and forget all the damn worries in life. There would be nothing anyone would "have" to do, people would be glad to do it. You wouldn't have to worry about that bitchin school, no deadlines. All you would do is have fun. Shoot guns, ride cars, go hiking, swimming, light all the fucking fireworks in the world, you could listen to music as loud as you want to, party all night.

If there is ever the opportunity to do this, and if it's in my power to do it before I get much older. I'll show every goddamn adult that I can be trusted and on my own. I pray that I will have the opportunity. I'll show them. Then they will wish that they let me do these things before!!!

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